Event Handling

Event Handling #

Handling for any request #

In a Javascript block, the this.on context method can be used to add event handlers. For example:

### javascript
this.on("finish", result => {
  console.log("Request execution finished", result)

This will register a callback for the finish event, which is fired every time a request execution is finished, successfully or otherwise.

Note that since we are adding the handler in a Javascript block, it will be called only for the requests that are defined below this Javascript block.

Handling for specific requests #

We can define event handlers for specific requests, at the end of the request block. The syntax is fairly simple, consider the following example:

POST https://httpbun.com/post
Content-Type: application/json

{ "name": "Indra" }

@onFinish(result) {
  console.log("Request execution finished", result)

This defined a POST request with the body content being { "name": "Indra" }, and a callback handler function defined for the finish event, just for this request. This onFinish function won’t be called on the finish event of any other requests.

The syntax is for the line to start with @onFinish, and then a function argument list, and then the function body wrapped in braces. The above example serves to illustrate this.

Events list #

Currently, only the finish event supported. More events may be introduced in the future for various stages of the request execution, depending on usage necessities.